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    Hulk Enemies - Comic Vine (1)

    Character » Hulk appears in 7884 issues.

    After being bombarded with a massive dose of gamma radiation while saving a young man's life during an experimental bomb testing, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was transformed into the Incredible Hulk: a green behemoth who is the living personification of rage and pure physical strength.

    Short summary describing this character.


    • 26 One of the Boar Brothers, a genetically altered boar created by Bruce Banner.
    • 27 One of the Boar Brothers, a genetically altered boar created by Bruce Banner.
    • Abe Jenkins Growing tired of his mechanic job, Abe Jenkins created a suit of armor and became the Beetle. Originally a criminal, he changed his ways as a member of the Thunderbolts, Taking the name MACH-1. Abe became a mainstay of the group and achieved legitimacy as a superhero. As he's upgraded his armor, he's changed his name to reflect the version of his armor, currently MACH-X.
    • Abomination Emil Blonsky was a KGB spy who became the Abomination when he deliberately exposed himself to the same radiation that Bruce Banner was exposed to to become the Hulk. Emil had actually exposed himself to a greater quantity then Banner did. The Abomination is almost twice as strong as the Hulk in a calm state, but cannot increase his strength with rage as the Hulk does therefore he is often defeated by the Hulk. The Abomination regularly blames the Hulk for his mutated appearance and for the troubles in his personal life. He has fueded with the Hulk on many occasions.
    • Abomination (Lam) Ultimate universe Abomination
    • Absorbing Man Carl "Crusher" Creel became the Absorbing Man when he drank an enchanted liquid from the God of Mischief, Loki. This liquid that was chanted with Asgardian ingredients gave Creel the ability to absorb the molecular properties of anything he touched. He soon became a criminal and villian with his new found power often battling heroes like the HULK
    • Abyss Avenger rival
    • Adversary Adversary is an ancient being who comes from a universe of chaos and wishes to bring this chaos to the Earth dimension.
    • Agamemnon The son of an Asgardian God and a mortal mother
    • Agent Jones Jones is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    • Agent Peterson
    • Agent Pratt Rogue agent with malevolent intentions of his own.
    • Agent Smith Smith is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    • Akhenaten Akhenaten was an Egyptian Pharaoh circa 1300 BC who was chosen by the Celestial Order to receive a huge portion of power from the Heart of the Universe.
    • Aleph Avenger rival
    • Alex Wildman Insane man who hears voices.
    • Algernon Crowe A dark mage who sold his soul to Mephisto. He was a founding member of MyS-Tech, and later one of the Techno-Wizards.
    • Allene Green Clone of Squirrel Girl.
    • Alpha Cyborg mercenary and a member of Warzone.
    • Amanda Von Doom A government agent in charge of the Mad Squad.
    • Ampharon Dr. Bruce, or David Banner, becomes the Incredible Hulk, a creature of limitless strength whenever the Doctor is angry or excited in some way.
    • Amphibion The Hulk has had to defend Uatu many times from Amphibion's attempts to acquire the Ultimate Machine.
    • Angel A mutant and original member of the X-Men, Warren received his angelic wings at a young age along with a unique healing factor in his blood. After being twisted into a weapon of Apocalypse, Warren became the cold and distant Archangel. In the years since then, he's gone back and forth between his two identities.
    • Animus Animus is a Level 9 demon. He possesses no corporeal body of his own but instead jumps from host to host.
    • Annihilus Annihilus, a native of the planet Arthos, is the ruler of the Negative Zone and longtime foe of the Fantastic Four. He is a nihilist who is obsessed with finding different ways to extend his lifespan and isn't opposed to destroying all that which he sees as a threat to his existence.
    • Anole Victor Borkowski is the reptilian mutant known as Anole. Initially a student at the Xavier Institute, Anole later joined the New X-Men, enrolled at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, and worked as a bartender during the First Krakoan Age. Anole is currently living in New York, trying to live as normal a life that a gay mutant can.
    • Anvil Hammer and Anvil wrap the energy synthicon around the Hulk's neck but the Hulk with his tremendous strength manages to break the synthicon in half.
    • Anything Man Jeff Colt was a ordinary man who gained powers from coming in contact with the robotic Omegatron. An enemy of Dr. Strange, he has faced off against the Defenders (which includes Hulk).
    • Apocalypse One of the very first mutants, Apocalypse is both thousands of years old and a monstrous tyrant that has been a longtime foe of the X-Men. Apocalypse believes that only the strongest (whether mutant or superhuman) should survive. His body is a mix of organics and powerful celestial technology, boosting his shapeshifting and other powers to god-like levels.
    • Apox Dr. Bruce, or David Banner, becomes the Incredible Hulk, a creature of limitless strength whenever the Doctor is angry or excited in some way.
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      Hulk Enemies - Comic Vine (2024)


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      Author: Twana Towne Ret

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      Views: 5498

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      Name: Twana Towne Ret

      Birthday: 1994-03-19

      Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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      Job: National Specialist

      Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

      Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.