Vermont Beekeepers Association
Beekeeper Training Program
Beekeeping has a steep learning curve. The knowledge needed is extensive. Beekeepers dating back to ancient times have transferred their beekeeping knowledge to new generations of beekeepers, helping them to be successful at managing honey bees. The Vermont Beekeepers Association (VBA) Mentor Program follows in this long tradition.
Responsible beekeeping is much more than plunking a hive in the backyard and getting some honey. Tending honey bee colonies comes with ethical husbandry responsibilities similar to those required to care for livestock or pets. The beekeeper must take the time and initiative to learn how to care for their colonies and must allow for the time necessary to manage them responsibly.
Vermont’s beekeeper training program is a multi-tiered educational program developed to provide a platform for new beekeepers to learn alongside experienced beekeepers in a structured format while also promoting the goals of the VBA and Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets (VAAFM) Apiary program by:
- Improving honeybee survival.
- Building a community of beekeepers.
- Understanding regulatory requirements for beekeeping.
The VBA Beekeeper Training Program is structured in three parts, as detailed below.
Part A – Beekeeper Training Program
Consists of three phases. It is strongly recommended that beekeepers complete all three phases.
Phase 1: Prospective or new beekeeper – before getting bees Prospective or new beekeeper – before getting bees
How to acquire Phase 1 beekeeping knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
Phase 1 beekeeping KSAs
Phase 2: New beekeeper – after getting bees
How to acquire Phase 2 beekeeping KSAs
Phase 2 beekeeping KSAs
Phase 3: Intermediate beekeeping
How to acquire Phase 3 beekeeping KSAs
Phase 3 beekeeping KSAs
Part B – VBA New Beekeeper Mentor Program
How the program works and how to be a good mentor and mentee.
Part C – Vermont Certified Beekeeper Program
How to participate in the Vermont Certified Beekeeper Program (Certification Program).
Part A: Beekeeper Training Program
Phase 1: Prospective beekeeper
Before acquiring bees, prospective beekeepers should acquire technical knowledge through reading, organized educational opportunities (classes and meetings), and hands-on workshops. The purpose of Phase 1 is to help prospective beekeepers decide if beekeeping is right for them.
How to acquire Phase 1 beekeeping KSAs
Beginning beekeeping classes like those offered at Champlain Valley Union High School (CVU), beginning beekeeping or natural beekeeping courses, local club educational sessions, etc.
Self-education through books, beekeeping periodicals, reputable webpages, and equipment supply catalogs [Links to these items]
In-hive workshops: VBA North and South yard workshops, local club workshops
VBA new beekeeper Zoom workshops
VBA “Ask Me Anything” sessions
Beginning classes offered by other organizations (Penn State, etc.) [Add links]
Phase 1 beekeeping KSAs
Vermont apiary laws
Apiary location
Apiary registration
Health certificate – requirements for selling bees and hive products
Disease reporting (American foulbrood, or AFB)
Beekeeping ethics
Responsible beekeeping is much more than plunking a hive in the backyard and getting some honey. Tending honey bee colonies comes with ethical husbandry responsibilities similar to those required to care for livestock or pets – with some extra challenges.
Time commitment
Acquire knowledge of necessary colony care. It is critical to understand that if your colonies are unhealthy, they can also infect and afflict neighboring honey bee colonies and native pollinator populations like bumble bees.
Be available to care for colonies during critical times like spring, early summer swarm seasons, strong nectar flows, winter prep in the fall, and winter hive checks.
Apply regular and systematic Varroa mite monitoring and disease detection and control. It is your responsibility to actively and regularly care for your own colonies and keep them healthy to avoid harming neighboring colonies and surrounding pollinator populations.
Take winter prep actions in the fall.
Perform winter hive checks.
Financial commitment
Honesty commitment
Recognize that the best way for you to help the bees might be to not be a beekeeper.
Importance of honey bees as pollinators for food production
Products from hives
Brief history of beekeeping (check out The Land of Milk & Honey)
Honey bee colony as a superorganism
Races/strains of honey bees (brief overview only; more info in Phase 2)
Variability and productivity between individuals can be much greater than the variability and productivity between races/strains.
Castes of honey bees
Where to locate hives
Sun vs. shade
What direction they face
Accessibility for vehicles
Awareness of local meteorological conditions (elevation, wind exposure, temperature inversions)
Natural windbreaks
Exposure to theft
Being neighborly
Distance from neighbors
Number of colonies at one location
State law regarding commercial
It is strongly recommended that the beekeeper acquires a strong foundation in traditional beekeeping techniques (Langstroth) before attempting any novelty hives or specialty hives such as Warre, top bar, or flow hives.
Smoker, smoker fuel, lighting the smoker
Hive tool
Hive parts
Langstroth style
Hive stand
Bottom board – solid or screened
Slatted rack
Deep, medium, shallow Langstroth boxes
Brood box
Honey super
Foundation options – wax, plastic, wax strips, no foundation
Queen excluder
Inner cover
Telescoping cover
Shaker box
8- vs. 10-frame hives
Phase 2: New beekeeper
New beekeepers should develop and expand their hands-on knowledge. They acquire bees and may work under the guidance of an assigned mentor. The purpose of Phase 2 is to deepen the new beekeeper’s base of technical knowledge and ensure they acquire practical beekeeping skills.
How to acquire Phase 2 beekeeping KSAs
Acquire bees
May work under the guidance of a mentor
An option available for new beekeepers is the VBA Mentor Program, which can help new VBA beekeepers acquire the skills, extensive knowledge, and confidence needed to responsibly and successfully tend healthy honey bee colonies. The VBA Mentor Program also serves as a systematic path toward becoming a Vermont Certified Beekeeper.
Attend VBA Intermediate beekeeping workshops
Attend technical seminars and educational opportunities offered by other organizations (Cornell, SABA, NHBA, etc.) [Add links]
Expand or update knowledge base through activities such as reading or attending conferences
Phase 2 beekeeping KSAs
Getting bees
Packages or nucs?
Installing packages and nucs
Protecting the apiary
Predator fence (electric) – how to
Hive strapping
Honey bee lifecycle
Queen, worker, and drone development stages
Changing roles of worker bees over time: nurse bees feeding queen, feeding drones, royal jelly production, cell cleaning, fanning to dry nectar and cool hive, nectar and pollen transport and storage within the hive, wax production and comb production or repair, sealing with propolis, undertakers (mortuary actions), guarding and soldiering, water carriers, foraging, and scouting
Basic honey bee anatomy and biology
Compound eyes
Wings (2 forewings, 2 hindwings)
Corbicula (pollen “baskets”)
Fat bodies
Crop (honey stomach)
Wax glands
Approximate or typical ratio of eggs to larvae to pupae 1:2:4
Colony health
Good hive hygiene -
Honeybee Health Coalition Practices for Hive Health - Tools For Beekeepers -
Risks to colony survival – parasites, fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases
Varroa destructor
State law requirement for Varroa mite mitigation plan
Viral diseases vectored by Varroa mites
Deformed wing virus
Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV)
Black queen cell virus (BQCV)
Chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV)
Israel acute paralysis virus of bees (IAPV)
Kashmir bee virus (KBV)
Open brood diseases
European foulbrood
Sac brood
Capped brood diseases
Parasitic mite syndrome (PMS)
American foulbrood (AFB) – Vermont statute requires that all cases of AFB must be reported to VAAFM. Call the State Pollinator Health Specialist/Apiculturist if you suspect you have AFB.
Wasps and hornets
Small hive beetle
Wax moth
Pesticides that weaken or kill a colony
Home – garden and lawn, other chemicals
Agricultural – orchard and crop chemicals
General environment – aerial spraying
Gypsy moth, Eastern tent caterpillar, etc.
Adverse weather and climatological conditions (drought, severe cold, high winds, flooding)
Colony inspections
How to do a colony inspection – have a plan: Why are you inspecting?
How to remove frames
How to use a hive tool
How to remove frames
How to check brood and brood patterns – worker vs. drone brood patterns
How to check if a colony is queen right
How often to inspect
At the beginning, new beekeepers should inspect their hives at least weekly and not less than once every two weeks to
Learn to manipulate the hive
Observe the changes in the hive
Do varroa mite monitoring and treatment
Follow the colony inspection checklist below
How to use colony inspection checklist (example below). Also available as PDF | MS Word.
Colony inspection checklist | |||||||||||||||||
Apiary name: | Inspection date & time: | ||||||||||||||||
Colony ID: | Weather/temp (general): | ||||||||||||||||
Purpose/reasons for today’s inspection: | |||||||||||||||||
Pre-inspection tip test: relative weight compared to last inspection: | Heavier | ||||||||||||||||
Lighter | |||||||||||||||||
About the same | |||||||||||||||||
Pollen gathering? | Add pollen sub? | ||||||||||||||||
Nectar gathering? | Add syrup? | ||||||||||||||||
Queenright? | Yes | Queen cells? | Swarm | ||||||||||||||
No | Supersedure | ||||||||||||||||
Action taken | Emergency | ||||||||||||||||
Development times for honey bees | |||||||||||||||||
Development (days) | Queen | Worker | Drone | ||||||||||||||
Egg hatches after: | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
Cells capped after: | 8 | 8 | 10 | ||||||||||||||
Adults emerge after: | 16 | 21 | 24 | ||||||||||||||
Evidence of eggs & larvae? | Worker brood in all stages? | ||||||||||||||||
Space for honey: | Okay | Space for brood production: | Okay | ||||||||||||||
Add a super | Add drawn comb | ||||||||||||||||
Inspection for diseases | |||||||||||||||||
Varroa mite count: (Alcohol wash preferred) | Varroa management action taken: | ||||||||||||||||
Evidence of open brood diseases: | European foulbrood | Evidence of capped brood diseases: | American Foulbrood (AFB) | ||||||||||||||
Chalkbrood | Parasitic Mite Syndrome (PMS) | ||||||||||||||||
Sac brood | |||||||||||||||||
Vermont statute requires that all cases of AFB must be reported to VAAFM. Call the State Pollinator Health Specialist/Apiculturist if you suspect you have AFB. | |||||||||||||||||
Evidence of virus symptoms: | K-wing | Evidence of external pests (skunks, bears, mice): | |||||||||||||||
Deformed wings | |||||||||||||||||
Hairless or “greasy” | Voltage on electric fence: | ||||||||||||||||
Poor locomotion/ paralysis | |||||||||||||||||
Brood deformities | |||||||||||||||||
Uncapped brood |
Fall and winter inspections | ||||||
Late summer and fall inspections (prepping your colony for winter) | ||||||
Weather conditions: | Has there been an extended drought that would diminish colony size? | Feed pollen sub starting Aug. 1. | ||||
Mouse guards installed 9/1: | ||||||
Mid-September hive weight: | Target hive weight for winter: | |||||
Action taken if underweight: | ||||||
Winter inspections | ||||||
How to get a colony to draw comb
Races/strains of honey bees and potential variability (more detail under Phase 3)
Hygienic traits
Types of queen cells and their meaning
Swarm cells
Queen supersedure – supersedure queen cells
Emergency cells
Pollen and nectar sources (examples)
Spring – maples, willows, aspen/poplar, dandelion, fruit trees (apple, cherry, peach, pear, etc.)
Early summer – serviceberry, edible berries, black locust, basswood (Linden tree), white clover
Mid-summer – chicory, vetch, Joe-Pye weed, birdsfoot trefoil, alfalfa
Late summer/fall – goldenrod, asters, Japanese knotweed, witch hazel
More information at HoneyBeeNet
Feeding a colony – why, when, and how
Syrup 1:1, 2:1
Winter patties
Pollen patties/pollen sub
Queen loss/ laying workers
Inadequate prep for winter
Varroa mite mitigation
Mite monitoring, effectiveness, and circ*mstances that can limit their use
Monitor mite loads monthly (at least) and after and treatments
Preferred: Alcohol wash (91% or 70% isopropyl), dish detergent wash, -20F° winter windshield washer fluid wash
Note: Massachusetts and Maine state bee inspectors have shown that beekeepers who use the alcohol wash or washer fluid for mite monitoring have better success rate of overwintering than those who try sugar rolls – likely due to the more accurate results from the “wash” method.
Sugar roll (less accurate)
Some new beekeepers try to use the sugar roll in an attempt to avoid losing 300 bees. During periods with active nectar flows, the sugar roll cannot be used. Also, Scientific Beekeeping’s Randy Oliver suspects that bees soaked with sugar do not survive.
Sticky boards (an indicator but not accurate for mite counts)
Drone uncapping (an indicator but not accurate for mite counts)
Mite mitigation summaries
Tools for Varroa Management from the Honey Bee Health Coalition’s Free Varroa Resources.
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Varroa mites.
Mite mitigation options
Conventional (synthetic) acaricides – Amitraz, Apivar
Biorational acaricides – formic and oxalic acids, menthol, thymol, hops
Mechanical – drone removal, Mite Zapper R, screened bottom boards, powdered sugar, heat/Mighty Mite thermal
Cultural – brood breaks, hygienic or resistant genetics, cull comb (reduce amount of drone comb), small cell foundation, reduce homing errors – varied hive coloration, entrance reducers, reduce apiary crowding
Methodical development of genetic traits – controlling queen and drone genetics
“Treatment-free” mite control – Treatment-free beekeeping requires specialized knowledge, advanced beekeeping skills, a set of specific actions, and a considerable amount of extra work. It should be not be attempted until completing this entire training program and only after acquiring considerable knowledge and experience.
“Darwinian” beekeeping – Survival of the fittest/do nothing is not effective at mite control and usually results in colony death. Failing to manage parasitic mites is considered an animal welfare issue. Certified organic does not allow for certification when parasites on livestock (which bees are) are not managed properly.
IPM for beekeepers
A combination of mite control methods to slow the development of resistance to any single control method and to maintain efficacy.
Seasonal management
Beekeeping Calendar for the Northeast
Winter – check on food resources, supplement if needed
Early spring
Supplemental food and pollen sub
Late spring/early summer
Installing nucs and packages
Orientation flights vs. swarming
Reasons – crowding, heat, poor queen
How to mitigate
Adding honey supers
Varroa mite control
Harvesting the crop
Removing bees from honey frames
Bee escapes
Stinky stuff like Bee Go
Bee brush individual frames, etc.
“Safe” honey water content – refractometers
Uncapping and extracting
Cut comb and comb honey
Fall / winter hive preparation
Target winter hive weights/fall weighing and feeding for hive weight gain
Wrapping and insulating
Ventilation/moisture control
Protection from wind
Mouse guards
Entrance reducers
Importance of continuing education
Phase 3: Intermediate beekeeper training
The purpose of this phase is to learn more advanced beekeeping techniques beyond what might be needed at a beginning level.
How to acquire Phase 3 beekeeping KSAs
Receive online instruction
Take advanced beekeeping classes
Take college courses
Complete apprenticeships with skilled beekeepers
Prepare and teach beekeeping educational sessions
Continue working with the assigned mentor
Phase 3 beekeeping KSAs
Basic honey bee genetics – haploidy/diploidy in honey bees
Races and strains
Basic differences and breeding programs
Recognize that we should not be too focused on the race or genetics of bees – we should not "blame" management malpractices on the race of the bees. "Pure" races of bees are not available in North America. The genetics of the individual queen are much more important – specifically the two genes that show hygienic traits.
Hive inspections
Avoid over-inspection, a.k.a. the bumbling beekeeper
However, in the beginning, it is an advantage to do more inspections than fewer inspections, especially for the first couple of years.
New beekeepers should go into their hives at least weekly to learn to manipulate the hive and to observe the changes in the hive. A new beekeeper with 2 colonies that only checks bees 3–4 times per season does not have the opportunity to learn as much as someone who checks 20–25 colonies weekly per season. The first scenario includes 6–8 hive inspections, and the latter includes 40–50 inspections.
Avoid under-inspection
Advanced honey bee anatomy
Hamuli (wing “hooks”)
Drone anatomy (reproductive organs and processes)
Queen reproductive anatomy
Tracheal system
Spring management
Deadout analysis
Reversing or not
Brood area frame management
Advanced splits
Reverse splits
Making nucs
Queen propagation
Drone laying queens
Dealing with laying workers – what often works and what often doesn’t
Queen cells
Shook swarms (shake them out)
Combining colonies
Honey bee communications
Nasonov gland – locating
Brood – €-beta-ocimene – initiates swarm response, queen supersedure, etc.
Queen secretions
Stinger – alarm/defense
Waggle dance – food location
Jostling – gimme your nectar; possible to encourage switch from nectar to pollen collection
Beeping – no more nectar please
Buzzing runs – predicating a swarm
Scout activity – looking for a home for a swarm
Mentoring – become a mentor to one or more new beekeepers
Part B: VBA New Beekeeper Mentor Program
VBA mentoring general guidelines
One option available for new beekeepers is the VBA Mentor Program, which can help new VBA beekeepers acquire the skills, extensive knowledge, and confidence needed to responsibly and successfully tend healthy honey bee colonies.
The purpose of the VBA mentoring program is to provide relatively new VBA member beekeepers direct training to facilitate the learning curve, effectively manage costs, instill confidence, and raise healthy honey bees. The goal is that successful mentoring will result in improved Vermont beekeepers leading to new mentors and new VBA certified beekeepers. Some of the benefits of the mentoring program are:
For the beekeeper/mentee
Successful mentoring can lead to increased beekeeper satisfaction, reduce costs, shorten the learning curve, and result in healthier honey bee populations.
For the mentor
Personal satisfaction from helping the next generation of beekeepers
Identify and recommend new beekeepers with mentor potential
Learn how to use or develop their personal coaching skills,
Ingrain skills and knowledge previously learned and,
Be exposed to methods or perspectives that are that they may not have otherwise known.
For the VBA
Develop a group of beekeepers that can successfully manage healthy honey bee colonies.
Havea group of quality individuals that can represent the VBA as a premier organization recognized forwell-trained beekeepers.
To beekeeping in general
To develop and produce well trained beekeepers who can
Replicate their successes outside the borders of Vermont.
Communicate coherently on online forums and maintain the health of their own hives to avoid disseminating pests and pathogens to neighboring beekeepers.
The mentoring program will cover the Phase 2 list of KSAs outlined above. The VBA Mentor Program also serves as a systematic path toward becoming a Vermont Certified Beekeeper.
We hope (and expect) that some mentees will eventually continue the tradition of knowledge transfer by serving as mentors to new VBA beekeepers.
The mentor and mentee should follow the guidelines below:
VBA Mentor Program Coordinator matches mentors to mentees; they consider the following:
Personalities of mentor and mentee
Skill sets of each
Travel distance
Preferably within 30 minutes
Mentee travels to mentor’s yards
Mentor and mentee agree on
The start date and expected end date of the relationship (this does not need a hard end date, but the expectation should be for the mentee to become independent at some point).
Helps to manage the training pace.
Removes the open-ended nature of the relationship. The formal relationship is definite, but the informal relationship may continue indefinitely.
Allows the mentor time to plan for new mentoring opportunities.
Two seasons is the optimum amount of time for a mentoring relationship. This allows for enough time for the new beekeeper to move from beginner toward intermediate. It will expose them to a variety of seasonal issues so that in the second year, they may be able to manage more independently from the mentor, but they will still have guidance.
The timeframe should be discussed between the mentor and mentee. They should
Agree on a list of basic knowledge, skills, and competencies so that at the end of two seasons, the mentee can describe and answer certain questions (can use “The year in the life of a Vermont beekeeper” as a guideline for achieving specific and measurable goals). [Add link]
Set date(s) for measuring progress.
Meet criteria derived from VBA best practices or Certified Beekeeper expectations.
Suggested criteria to be a VBA mentor
A mentor should be an experienced beekeeper that is willing to serve and is defined as:
A Vermont Certified Beekeeper.
Or a mentor could be one or more of the following:
Has successfully overwintered a minimum of two hives for two consecutive seasons.
Has coached, trained, or taught in a professional setting.
Has published in beekeeping related media.
Has served on a board or volunteered for other VBA/ bee club activities.
Is active in keeping up with new honey bee research.
All mentors should be honest but diplomatic and respectful.
Requirements for mentees
Prospective mentees must be VBA members and must apply online to be part of the VBA Mentor Program.
Prior to requesting a mentor, a prospective mentee must
Have honey bees, have honey bees on order, or commit to having honey bees by June of the calendar year.
Have taken a basic course in beekeeping (in person or online).
Demonstrate remedial understanding some bee-related topics. Examples:
Can identify the basic beekeeping tools and how they are used
Can describe the basic methods for obtaining bees
Can install the colonies or explain how to install them
Has read 2–3 of suggested books listed in the “Resources” section below.
Once in the program, the mentee
Commits to traveling to mentor’s yards.
The VBA expects that at some point, the mentor may need work the mentee’s hive(s), but this is the exception.
The mentor’s amount of travel time should be reduced as much as possible, especially since they are likely working with more than one mentee.
The mentee must demonstrate their overall commitment to the mentoring program by being willing to travel to their mentor’s yards. Visiting the mentor’s yard also allows the mentee to experience the differences between multiple hives in the same location.
Is considerate of mentor’s time.
Listens carefully.
Understands there multiple techniques or answers may exist.
Follows through on recommendations.
Tends their own bees. It is not the job of the mentor to manage the mentee’s colonies.
Mentees under 18 years of age need the permission of a parent or guardian, who should be present during visits to the mentor’s yard.
The mentor may require the mentee to sign an agreement on the above. Grievances regarding mentoring should be reported to the VBA Mentor Program Coordinator.
New beekeepers are warned to be cautious about obtaining beekeeping advice or information from sources like Facebook and YouTube. This includes special cautions about location-specific recommendations (northern vs. southern or another continent). Seek local expert advice.
Webpage links
Legal requirements – VT apiary law info
Beekeeping Calendar for the Northeast
Honeybee Health Coalition Practices for Hive Health - Tools For Beekeepers -
For the new beekeeper
The Backyard Beekeeper by Kim Flottum
The Beekeeper’s Handbook by Sammataro and Avatabile
Natural Beekeeping by Ross Conrad
First Lessons in Beekeeping by Keith Delaplane
Hive Management by Roger Morse
Any book written by Richard Bonney
Any book written by Richard Taylor
A Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell
For the intermediate beekeeper
Honey Bee Democracy by Dr. Thomas Seeley
Honey Bee Drones – Specialists in the Field by Graham Kingham
Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping by Dewey Caron with Lawrence John Connor
Periodicals for any experience level
Part C: Vermont Certified Beekeeper Program
The VBA encourages beekeepers from all parts of Vermont to participate in the Vermont Certified Beekeeper Program (Certification Program).
Certification Program
The Vermont Beekeeper Certification Program is operated by a designated Working Group. Working Group members will be designated by the president of the VBA with a focus on finding members from different geographic locations in Vermont to make it easier for applicants to participate. It will also include the Vermont State Apiculturist.
Current Working Group members are located in a variety of locations around the state.
Certification Working Group
- Develops curriculum.
- Develops alternative tests (test banks – a set of alternative tests with different questions).
- Develops a list of in-hive competencies.
- Administers written tests.
- Administers hands-on hive competency tests.
- Documents public participation.
- Updates the VT Certified Beekeeper database as steps are completed.
- Signs Certificates on behalf of the VBA in conjunction with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets
- Ensures that individuals who successfully complete the program are recognized with certificates, patches, or other methods.
To become a Vermont Certified Beekeeper, one must
- Be a VBA member.
- Pass a written test with a score of 80% or better. To enhance the learning process, an after-test review will be conducted.
- Complete a hands-on hive inspection during which applicants must show competencies identified by the Program Managers, such as using hive tools, reading the frames, identifying diseases, and making other beekeeping management decisions.
- Complete an outreach component including a minimum of two public presentations and provide a short descriptive essay documenting such outreach.
- Serve as a mentor for a season.
- Complete these items within two years after successfully passing the written test.
If all requirements are successfully met, the applicant may be awarded the title of Vermont Certified Beekeeper.