What Is The Presidents About

1. The Executive Branch | The White House

  • From the President, to the Vice President, to the Cabinet, learn more about the Executive Branch of the government of the United States.

2. Presidents | The White House

  • George Washington · George W. Bush · Abraham Lincoln · Barack Obama

  • Learn more about the Presidents of the United States from WhiteHouse.gov.

3. President's Role | George W. Bush Library

  • The President is Commander in Chief of United States Armed Forces and is empowered to make treaties and appointments within the federal government.

  • What does the President of the United States do? What roles has the occupant of the White House come to play in the last two centuries? How has the Presidency changed over time?

4. The Executive Branch - Trump White House Archives

  • The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise. The Cabinet and independent Federal agencies are ...

  • The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the Federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise.

5. Presidents, vice presidents, and first ladies - USAGov

6. Keeping the Balance: What a President Can Do and Cannot Do

  • interpret laws. choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval. Three Branches of Government. Table of Contents. 3 ...


7. U.S. Presidents | Miller Center

  • Presidential Speeches · George Washington · Thomas Jefferson · Abraham Lincoln

8. What is the job of the U.S. president? - National Geographic Kids

  • The first officeholders helped shape the way presidents make decisions, fight wars, work with Congress, add territory to the country, and even entertain.

  • Find out how the Founding Fathers came up with the position and how the president works with other areas of the U.S. government.

9. The Presidents | American Experience | Official Site - PBS

  • In this award-winning collection, explore documentaries, biographies, interviews, articles, image galleries and more for an in-depth look at the history of ...

  • In this award-winning collection, explore documentaries, biographies, interviews, articles, image galleries and more for an in-depth look at the history of the American presidency.

10. The Presidents - White House Historical Association

  • The Presidents · George Washington · John Adams · Thomas Jefferson · James Madison · James Monroe · John Quincy Adams · Andrew Jackson · Martin Van Buren.

  • Biographies & Portraits

11. President | Definition, Responsibilities, & History - Britannica

  • Nov 5, 2024 · President, the officer in whom the chief executive power of a nation is vested. In some countries the presidential office is charged with ...

  • President, the officer in whom the chief executive power of a nation is vested. In some countries the presidential office is charged with great powers, but it is relatively weak and largely ceremonial in Europe and in many countries where the prime minister, or premier, functions as the chief executive officer.

12. Presidents – The White House

  • Which President served as a lieutenant colonel in the Spanish-American war? Who was the first Democrat elected after the Civil War?

13. Welcome to The American Presidency Project | The American Presidency ...

  • The APP is the source of presidential documents on the internet. We are hosted at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

  • 167,452 Presidential and Non-Presidential Records

14. President of the United States

  • President Biden represented Delaware for 36 years in the US Senate before becoming the 47th Vice President of the United States.

  • Footer Disclaimer

15. Political Science - Research Guides at Library of Congress

  • The site contains documents related to American presidents and the study of the American presidency. ... Presidents: Washington - Taft (1789-1913) The ...


16. U.S. Presidents: Facts and Elections | HISTORY

  • Learn about U.S. presidents and presidential elections from George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden.

17. The Presidents Timeline - White House Historical Association

  • GEORGE WASHINGTON | 1789-1797 JOHN ADAMS | 1797-1801 THOMAS JEFFERSON | 1801-1809 JAMES MADISON | 1809-1817 JAMES MONROE | 1817-1825 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS ...

  • GEORGE WASHINGTON | 1789-1797 JOHN ADAMS | 1797-1801 THOMAS JEFFERSON | 1801-1809 JAMES MADISON | 1809-1817 JAMES MONROE | 1817-1825 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS | 1825-1829 ANDREW JACKSON | 1829-1837 MARTIN VAN BUREN | 1837-1841 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON | 1841 JOHN...

18. Presidents of the United States

  • Andrew Johnson was a Democrat, nominated vice president by Republicans, and elected with Lincoln on National Union ticket. Richard Nixon resigned August 9th, ...

  • (Last updated 15 June 2016) Useful Sites The Presidents of the United States of America, a page at the White House web site, also lists former Presidents,

19. United States - Presidents, Elections, History | Britannica

  • United States - Presidents, Elections, History: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and other presidents of the United States, in list form.

What Is The Presidents About


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.